I'm a responsible gun owner!, page-2

  1. 18,808 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 119
    Some fair points but some points need pointing out.
    For starters..I agree... all guns should be secured.
    Storing them at the range won't work there...simply tooooo many guns...toooooo much crime....and the 2A. Pie in the sky.

    As well estimates are that over a million crimes are prevented a year by those wielding their own weapons for self-defense.

    It just is an irrefutable fact that any control that limits the folks from weapons for self-defense would only mean more victims as the crims will not relinquish their guns. Ever. So what would you be left with....?

    BTW...on suicide by gun...do you really think the despair that moves one to kill themselves will be negated by the absence of guns?

    It wont.

    Want proof?

    Compare the ownership and gun control here in Oz compared to the US...day and night. Yet the suicide rate there is about 14/100k and here its about 12/100k.

    And the thing is the death by gun per capita which of course includes suicide by gun...is often trotted out to demonstrate just how bad the stat is for the US yet the suicides distort the #s and we know almost all of them would top themselves anyway. An interesting exercise to strip the suicide-by-gun from overall #s and watch how that places the USA in the middle of the pack relative to other countries

    Complex issue but there is no bandaid solution.
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