ultraf**t i'm looking for honest christians UFGot some bad news...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    ultraf**t i'm looking for honest christians UF

    Got some bad news for you - the Jews still think they're the Chosen People, but Christianity doesn't subscribe to that view.


    Yes we do believe that. Always have and always will. It's really irrelevant to us whether Christians agree or not.


    Not that they weren't the Chosen People, but they have lost their "position" in the greater scheme of things. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, and so in the Christian faith, God ended the Old Covenant with Christ's sacrifice on the Cross and created a New Covenant with His people - Christians - that transcends the bounds of races and nations, etc.


    God could not end the Covenant with the Jews even if he wanted to. The Covenant he made was irrevocable. If he broke it for what ever excuse he would have set a new standard............ one that allows you to break a vow.

    He could no longer lay a claim to being a god as he must play by the rules that he sets......otherwise he is no god.

    His covenant is irrevocable. He never made it conditional. He did threaten that we would be in exile if we did not keep his laws. He carried out that threat....But as Isiah and other prophets gave us comfort in the past, he would never foresake us.

    He never has.......yes, he has given us a hard time...whenever we forgot about him.......but he has never forsaken us.............that's why we're still here today....despite the odds!


    The Jewish faithful are still waiting for the Christ to come and bestow upon them their desire for a worldly kingdom and worldy domination, but God's Kingdom is no such thing. However, the Christian faith anticipates that someone (or some organisation) called the Antichrist will eventually come and give the Jews what they want - worldly power and domination - and, of course, they will hail him as their long-awaited "Christ".


    Jews are still waiting for Christ? Don't hold your breath.

    You must be off your head.

    There are some whacko Jewish/Gentile groups who call themselves Jews for Jesus, but they are considered to be the lunatic fringe. They score a few down and out Jews who know nothing about their own religion, usually with bribes of food, lodging or whatever, but even the Moonies have more respect than they do and we all know what everyone thinks of the Moonies.


    So, to cut a long story short, anyone who thinks that Christians should feel obliged, through some notion of loyalty to Jewish history or whatever, to support the current worldy aspirations of the Jews in Israel is deluding themselves. Christians are Christians - do unto others as you would have done unto yourself - and the Palestinians, as well as the Jews or any other bunch of people, should be treated with mercy, charity and justice.

    Whatever else may be involved, Israel won't get Christian support for whatever it is that they may be doing by playing the "religion" card.


    We have more Christian support than you can even imagine.

    Christians may have their own agendas re Israel, but ulimately those who do care about Israel's existance and care about the Christian outlook as to why Israel needs to be in the hands of the Jews, whether it's prescribed by the New Testament or whatever and that will bring Christ in a second coming, the bottom line is that they back Israel.......More and more Christian groups are becoming very vocal in their support of Israel.


    Hope that helps you reconcile your concerns.


    No, it does not reconcile my concerns. You missed the point of my initial post.

    In a nutshell, those Christians who do not believe Israel should be the sole owner of the Holy Land, they should forthwith desist from singing, or quoting our Psalms. Out Pasalms written by our Jewish King...King David....consistantly and repeatedly quotes that Zion and Jerusalem and God are intertwined...

    If they sing King Davids Psalms during their worshipping session, either that means they agree with him.....in entiret....or they are full of it.

    If they are full of it....then sing the Beatles or the Rolling Stones or Kylie Minogues songs, but leave our Psalms out of your services.

    Sing our Psalms by all means, but only if you believe it, otherwise your Churches and your Ministers and your congregants are..........hypocrites.

    And Ultra......try reading the Psalms. You may get my drift.

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