i'm wearing save schapelle on my lapels, page-4

  1. 4,287 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Save her from what? If you mean the death penalty then you are unfamiliar with the Indonesian system. If you check the history of cases where the death penalty has been handed down, it has never been for a drug case such as this, a jail sentence is the normal penalty. Its obvious that her defence team and supporters are playing up the idea of a death sentence in order to get public and then political support for her, but if it means that she actually believes it to be true and this is leading to her present distressed state, then shame on them and all others who are perpetuating the lie.
    The upside is that being a good looking women it will mean she will be treated more lenient than a man in similar circumstances, but we need to be careful that all the publicity doesn't cause the judges to be more severe in order to show their independence than what they would have been in a lower profile case.
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