imagine being 100% wrong

  1. 6,042 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 88
    We live in interesting times,no doubt about that.

    But I have never before seen the investment community so polarized.

    Maybe the advent of the internet and blogs has enabled every man and his dog to express a view and to be heard folks have to move to extreme positions to stand out.

    On one side we have the bears who are so convinced we are about to collapse into a deflationary/inflationary (take your pick) depression of unprecedented scale.

    Some big names are predicting a very ugly future.

    Mish,Schiff,Faber,Prechter,Rogers,McHugh,Ambrose,Keen,The DR boys and so on , the list is endless.

    We have just as many bulls who are saying it's all over and we are heading into a new bull market and the world is well on it's way to recovery.

    Some argue the $US is about to collapse,some argue Gold is going to the moon,some say deflation is here,some argue we are headed for hyperinflation,some argue that the entire banking system and financial system is bankrupt and ready to collapse,some argue that various countries are actually in 'depression',some argue we are all headed for depression,some argue we are in a mild recession.Some argue property is about to collapse,others say we have a housing shortage.Some argue that real estate never goes down.Some countries are even raising interest rates.

    Some folks argue that we are experiencing a typical bear market rally,others say we are in a new bull market.

    We have always had bulls & bears,but I have never seen anything like this before.

    Some folks are going to be 100% wrong and will have to quietly disappear from the 'predicting' industry.

    They won't be able to ' fudge' their predicaments this time round as most are just too strident in their views.

    There is no middle ground with these folks,they all have extreme views one way or the other.

    Get it right and vast fortunes will be made,get it wrong and you will end up broke.

    I have long been in the bearish deflationary camp but often ask myself this very question on a regular basis,what if I am 100% wrong?

    I have personally made some very significant lifestyle changes based on what I think is going to happen.

    I am going to look really silly sitting in my home made bomb shelter eating canned tuna and drinking distilled water if this isn't the
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