G'day TonyThat's the problem with being fixed on an idea. We all...

  1. 5,382 Posts.
    G'day Tony
    That's the problem with being fixed on an idea. We all do it to some extent or another. I have followed these stories for years, read some books like precter's conquer the crash listened to the inflationists ad nauseum.. The inflation/deflation discussion is interesting, with an excellent series on financial sense newshour recently. In the end the smart types on either side of the argument seem to be both correct. It's a matter of timing. In the end the market goes up and down with sentiment and oscillations in money and credit. I like the stories but find charts cut through the crap (so to speak) an provide a discipline. If the chart says buy then buy, if it says sell then sell. Sometimes easier said than done if you start thinking to much, this particularly applies to me LOL
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