Immigration poll, page-4

  1. 28,691 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 424
    True. Fake news everywhere. Must be in the interests of those who promote "political correctness" rather than truth. Wonder what segment of individuals that would be? Is that segment growing? Spreading like filthy pollution among the people.....

    It won't be long before "truth" and "facts" and "sampling errors" are never stated. Wait a minute! Isn't that already the case? Oh yes, what an inconvenient truth that is. I thought design of questions to illicit a particular response was "dishonest" to the extreme and the consequences of asking it, leads to totally shonky "results". The garbage pile keeps getting higher and higher and higher..... Evident here is "debating" which breaks all those rules as well. No-one seems to care..... attack the messenger, outright lies, inability to focus on the topic, exaggeration and misleading statements, etc. Written by those who struggle with comprehension, spelling and detailed explanations. Yes, they are all here.....
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