Immigration - yes or no ?

  1. 25,632 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Immigration is a hot topic these days

    Australia has one of the highest immigration rates of any country in the world according to reports, certainly it is higher than ever before, and on top of the immigration we have a very high number of students and now a report on the news stated that the Federal government is going to make ir even easier to bring in foreign workers

    Government figures show that very soon people of European ancestry are going to be a minority group, probably within two or so years

    The overwhelming desire from the public appears to want to dramatically cut immigration levels, and also to source immigrants who are more suited to the Australian way of life and attitudes.

    So who wants more workers and more migrants ?

    The only section to benefit is big business most of which is foreign owned and controlled by people who don't live in this country and obviously don't care two hoots for the people who they treat with disdain

    Both sides of government agree with the government policy of big immigration which as far as foreign workers are concerned is surprising as the Labor party is funded and controlled by the union bosses and by money paid by workers, to better working conditions and protect their jobs

    The PM recently stated that the immigration number was to be actually increased by changes to sections of the laws under which people are given visa's

    When are the people going to be recognized or to be allowed to be included into discussions about the future of our country

    The people who have built this country can see their quality of life being eroded with the highest power prices in history, transport chaos, the medical system under pressure, dramatically increased crime, significant increase in traffic deaths.
    In other words a country ready to bust under the pressure of far too many people in a far too short a time for those people to assimilate, and for services to keep pace with the large numbers

    I went to get my Van registered the other day, there were fifty seats in the Vic roads office, they were all occupied plus about ten people around the walls, I would guess I was the only Anglo Saxon and there appeared to be only three others who were European
    The rest were from Asia or Africa, and appeared to be from poor areas of Asia as well

    The majority were getting driving licences and from what conversations I could hear the English language  skills were minimal, all those people will be on the roads and that was just in the time I was there, about two hours.

    Isn't it time for the people to be given the opportunity to have their say in a country they have built and many died to defend
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