Immigration, page-1863

  1. 35,875 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 925
    The prices for property due to immigration are enormous, $4.75 million AUD for a decent 5 bed squat.

    According to Sina Weibo, the foster parents of William Tyrell, lived 4 miles away from Chatswood, who renovated his room after he went missing thru a DA and then sold up to move to an adjoining suburb sold their house for $4.1 million AUD which is “entry level” for a 5 bed in that particular suburb and they now live 8 miles away in a house that was even more expensive.

    Now Worth $4.5 million AUD for an entry level house 10 minutes away from this Chatswood, which I remember being a satellite suburb of North Sydney back in the day where people played Rugby in front of hardly anyone is crazy.

    Looks like I need $5 million AUD to immigrate back if I want a decent squat but I want what they want and this Albo Government looks intent on hih excessive rates of immigration so why not?
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