Immigration, page-260

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    Great letter from Senator Ralph Babet on the trouble our country is headed into.


    Senator Ralph Babet
    Dear People of Australia,
    As you know, the United Kingdom is right now on fire. Riots are breaking out all over the country and it brings me no joy at all to say that many of us predicted this exact situation.
    When leaders like Keir Starmer are more intent on representing globalist special interests than those of their own nation, disaster is inevitable. The political elite - who prefer sucking the teat of their wealthy overlords in Davos than representing the people who elected them – are gorging themselves on unchecked mass migration.
    They have recklessly imported huge numbers of people from cultures completely unaligned from their own, while handing out all sorts of welfare benefits and expecting nothing in return. This failed multicultural policy has done nothing but create parallel societies where people live in the UK but are not part of the UK.
    They enjoy all the benefits without sharing any of the values, duties, cares or responsibilities for their host nation. Over many decades this disastrous policy has created increasing unrest as these parallel societies drift further and further apart. The riots we are now seeing were entirely predictable.
    To be clear, I am not against immigration. I came to Australia with my parents as an immigrant. But, to strengthen a nation, immigration must be sustainable and targeted at nations where the people arriving on our shores come with similar, if not the same, values. And the people who arrive here should arrive with a desire to integrate into our way of life. Indeed, there should be an expectation that they do. It is not racist to insist on this. It is common sense.
    UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is not short of common sense – he knows exactly what he is doing by ignoring wisdom and persisting with this maddening policy of mass, unfettered immigration. Starmer is one of those western leaders - far too prevalent these days - who subscribes to a globalist vision requiring the destruction of the nation state through mass immigration.
    He told a journalist, when asked if he would rather be in Davos than in the Parliament at home, that he would rather be in Davos because he could “get more done”. Get what done? Your responsibility is to your people, not to the globalists in Davos.
    When western leaders complain that democracy is cumbersome and an impediment to their dreams, we should be very, very concerned. The wet dream of globalists like Starmer is to destroy the nation state so that nothing stands between them and unfettered power. You cannot rule the world when people have local allegiances. Citizens have a habit of fighting for nations they like.
    So, if you are to rule the globe, you must first destroy everything citizens might want to fight for – their culture, their religion, their history, their customs, their architecture. If you make a man’s country unrecognisable, he will no longer feel any need to sacrifice for it and will no longer fight for it. Then it is yours. That is their plan. And only when they achieve that can they introduce their global currency, global religion and global government.
    Mass immigration is a tool of destruction being used by globalists to gain power. Sadly, our own Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is no different to other globalist wannabes. He is the divider in chief. To be honest, I’m not even sure he realises what he is doing or what he is part of.
    Albanese has never been a leader. In my opinion he likely does the bidding of those in the shadows who direct his steps and then reward him with the promise of more time in the Lodge.
    Globalists destroy our nation for power using people like Albanese who enjoys the strokes to his ego. Meanwhile, you and I lose everything we love. You don’t have to be Nostradamus to watch what is happening in the UK and predict that the same trouble is inevitable here.
    I could nominate entire suburbs in Sydney or in Melbourne where you can walk down the street and well imagine you are in a foreign country. Parallel societies that are tinderboxes waiting to explode.
    It is not racist to call out what his happening and to demand a change of course. If you love your nation, as I do, it is your solemn duty.
    Senator Ralph Babet.
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