MSB 0.00% $2.81 mesoblast limited

Its quite possible that we are not thinking about this the right...

  1. 665 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 339
    Its quite possible that we are not thinking about this the right way. Perhaps it is more akin to a pump and an electrical circuit. What we have is something that can repair the pump and prevent/slow further degradation. Tick. What we don't have and potentially were never going to have is the means to prevent the short circuit, which may be happening in another part of the system.
    Hence the number of hospitalisations remains the same but the ability of the pump to withstand the hospitalisations has improved sufficiently for the pump to continue working.
    The trial goes down as fail, which is what most are focussing on, because it didn't do anything for the electrics, but should receive a massive tick for the improvement of the motor, but too easy for most to focus on the electrical fail because it was the primary.
    Time will tell but if the FDA gold standard is mortality then this should get a tick.
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