TZL 12.7% 6.2¢ tz limited

AmexAgree with your comments except I believe that the DKR...

  1. 16,325 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 407

    Agree with your comments except I believe that the DKR Convertible Notes would have had a subscription date of 4 December 2006 .. that's when TZ announced that after approval at the AGM the notes had been finalised. And TZ can redeem them as you say after 18 months .. that would be 4 May .. so that's a little over 2 1nd 1/2 months.

    Yes very little in the way of genuine sellers ... but most likely the long-termers are getting close to full-up after so many "buying opportunities".

    Trying not to watch much these days!

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Mkt cap ! $16.44M
Open High Low Value Volume
5.9¢ 6.2¢ 5.9¢ $4.703K 77.88K

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1 2011 6.2¢

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7.0¢ 892443 2
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Last trade - 15.56pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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