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impatient or a signal ?, page-16

  1. 5,330 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    I would like to ask all of you here, if we could forget about any downrampers, forget about the current sp, and even forget about the trial for a few seconds to give only a moments thought to the following:


    Most would agree that this is a list comprising some of the most reputable multi-national company's, not just in Australia, but in the world!

    Now, I ask if we can give another moments thought to the following positions:

    * CEO of Ericsson South East Europe and CEO of Ericsson Australia, New Zealand and Pacific islands.

    * Managing Director of Vodafone

    * General Manager of Telstra Corporation Australia

    * Director of TABCORP Ltd

    * CEO of Microsoft

    * Managing Director of Telstra BigPond

    Only one more question remains now imo:

    Why in less than 8 months would 3 very powerful, respected and connected businessmen within the corporate world, Mr Peter Abery, Mr Bill Zikou and Mr Justin Milne, who collectively have held all of the above positions, leave all that behind to come and join a little 2c publicly listed company.

    Of course PieNetworks have exceeded Telstra's expectations. They have already attracted a superstar board that would look more than impressive on any bluechip or fortune500 company.

    Names like this are not familiar with any form of failure.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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