''He has to run a team all working for a common goal. But there...

  1. 82,557 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''He has to run a team all working for a common goal.

    But there is no goal.''

    one would never know that, unless one was on the inside.

    the reality of politics in Australia is that if one did have a well considered set of ideas and goals for Australia and one wanted to work towards them ------------ one would indeed, have to shut the hell up about them -

    why? Because Ozzies fear change. They fear change far more than many or even most developed countries.

    If any party has big ideas - it's rare - and rare in the proper use of the word - for a party to be thrust into power if they have such ideas -

    Whitlam's 'It's time' - was a rarity. And it came on the back of a long staleness of Liberal government - 23 years of staleness and a stubbornness of hanging on to conscription when it's political toxicity was well and truly set in.

    That political change was rare. The common garden variety elections ------- are that the mob who say the least - the least change ----- win (particularly if the other mob are on the nose). The other common factor is that there are generally just not 1 term governments.

    So, if we go back to your 'there is no goal' --------------- well, there may not be. But, if there is - you won't be informed. If a government does indeed have a goal and has intention to implement progress towards that goal -

    then, it will have to tread very slowly - creeping forward.

    Howard was a classic in a different form - Howard actually knew what Australia needed -------- but, he didn't set a goal, he didn't implement any progress even in the direction of the goal if he'd have set one -

    he sat and did almost nothing ---------- why? Political survival. And his political animal instinct enabled his conservative nature to rule -

    so he came up with the subconscious driver that overruled everything he knew should be done -

    and that driver was 'we thought we'd be alright if we just watched the spending' -

    but, he now says 'we were wrong'

    what he really means but, cannot bring himself to say it is - 'I was wrong'.

    The point is that if Howard had done what he knew was right and what he knew Australia needed to set itself up for what we have right now and in the future -

    he wouldn't have had such a long run ----------- Aussies would have dumped him

    the problem with 'no goal' ------------- may well be that there's 'no goal' - but, if there is and it's well formed for the good of the nation ------------- and the voters hear about it

    they will shy off ------------- they will quiver in fear and vote for no change
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