Important clarifications, page-27

  1. 25,151 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "John 17:8,17 and 22 refer to the harmony between the Father and the Son, hence they are part of the Trinity."

    NO one is denying harmony between the Father and Son which is by their word and the full context of "their word" is possibly beyond you payload tongue.png, but that in no way shows or proves a trinity God.
    In 17:22 Jesus asks for this EXACT same harmony (if you want to call it that), for ALL that believe in/on Jesus by their word 17:20, "their word" sets the stage of the context of John 17:20-24 = all word related, one in word which naturally or automatically brings unity.
    So if your claim this supports a trinity and Jesus being God, then You are unquestionably trying to claim or would be, that all others that do as Jesus hoped for, become God as well.
    You cannot get around this nonsense you would be creating and maintain truth.
    "The first 14 verses are about Jesus and not just suddenly the 14th as you appear to claim.
    Mal 3:1 and Isa 40:3 lead to John 1:1-14 as an OT Christian prophecy in John 1:1-14.
    Some non-Christians dispute this leaving no doubt in which camp @wotsup is in."

    Suddenly, just as Mal 3:1 says, are you blind or what DRRRRRRRRR. LOL.
    And he is not suddenly if you take notice of the likes of Mal 3:1 and many other passages, as the Jews were eagerly waiting for the appearance of the one from the wilderness (John), as they knew when that happened that Jesus would not be far away.
    Goodness me, are you going to tell us that Jesus the Baptist ignored Yehowah and didn't prepared the way before him and teach about him = do your homework silly as to the like of what John was baptizing into etc.
    To have him on the scene, and then supposedly back in the womb and popping back out at 1:14 is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE.
    The way at first is being prepared for Yehowah, just as the scriptures show DRRRRR!
    You know the ones you abandon to suit your indoctrinated seeds.

    The Book of John is written so that you know Jesus is the Son of God, not God but the son, so naturally you First need to know who he is from, to know the Son and visa versa.
    You're trying to pull the cart before the horse what.png

    You whereu cannot show the evidence that Jesus spoke creation into being, which John 1:3 DEMANDS if you claim he is the word, these 3 verses cannot be separated.
    "Some non-Christians dispute this leaving no doubt in which camp @wotsup is in."

    Who, whether you like it or not and probably unknowingly, have been indoctrinated and not to mention the following, which renders your claim Useless, of NO relevance.
    John 8:47 -He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.”

    God's inspired word running true to form, yet again, evidence supplied by none other than the whereu himself biggrin.png

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