Everything must be tested thoroughly with scripture and history,...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1514
    Everything must be tested thoroughly with scripture and history, when the devil tempted Christ in the desert he did so be twisting God's word to suit his agenda, so we must exercise discernment and test all things.
    Let's take a peek at the evidence and those that have ears to hear and eyes to see will learn the truth. The word Jew is a loaded term and is used 5 different ways in scripture (I have mentioned this previously)

    Jacob had 12 sons;

    Reuben (Not a Jew)
    Simeon (Not a Jew)
    Levi (Not a Jew)
    Judah (Somehow a Jew)
    Dan (Not a Jew)
    Naphtali (Not a Jew)
    Gad (Not a Jew)
    Asher (Not a Jew)
    Issachar (Not a Jew)
    Zebulun (Not a Jew)
    Joseph (Not a Jew)
    Benjamin (Somehow a Jew)

    Judah was one of Jacob's 12 sons and the term Jew refers to those that lived in or were from Judah, the territory of land that the tribe of Judah received as their inheritance once they entered the promised land. Later this was called Judea, a Greco Roman transliteration, and that means that the Jews were specifically from Judea. This is a big deal, it means those that before the territory of Judea was created were not Jews.

    Moses wasn't a Jew nor was he Jewish, Jacob wasn't a Jew or Jewish either, Isaac wasn't a Jew nor was he Jewish, Abraham wasn't a Jew because Abraham was a Hebrew. Abraham was promised to be the father of many nations, not just one nation and one people, i,e the Jews.

    All the patriarchs up to and including Jacob were referred to as Hebrews, God famously changed Jacob's name to Israel and between the time of Jacob through to the time of Moses and up until the territory of Judah was established the people of the bible were called Hebrews and Israelites.

    Once the term Jew began being used it was only referring to a minority of people within Israel.

    The bible is therefore not about the Jews nor are the Jews the founders of monotheism or even the majority of the people highlighted in scripture belong to the 10 tribes north and are never referred to as Jews.
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