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important jim willie report

  1. 614 Posts.

    Jim Willie has been on about the COMEX hitmen for some time now. In my opinion, the only way that the COMEX can be broken is if "might fights might". According to Willie, this might be on.

    Full report (worth a close read as this is quite an important development if it has real legs) ...


    Several gold bullion bankers are lined up for a kill. They have inadequate gold in their vaults to cover their deposits. They have colluded and conspired with the major banks in the gold cartel, and have permitted their gold bullion in deposit accounts to be removed. In many cases, the banks have leased the gold bullion, resulting in a paper certificate left at the scene of the crime. In other cases, they have turned a blind eye when the gold bullion was fraudulently taken, a close cousin to simply stolen. The banks identified by my excellent source at most risk of imminent ruin are ScotiaBank (and their Moccata Group), Bank of New York, Union Bank of Switzerland, and Credit Suisse. This list is not complete. Add at least HSBC to the list. Expect that the medium sized bullion banks will be attacked and ruined first, since not well enough connected to the power center on Wall Street and the USDept Treasury. A domino effect seems part of the grand plan. The basic problem is that gold is missing, and in large volumes!!

    The task has been contracted out to several institutions, agencies, and powerful individuals which collectively
    are furious at the Wall Street and London financial syndicates for their corrupt control of financial markets
    generally, and suppression of the gold & silver markets specifically. The contractors are as powerful as they are
    wealthy and influential. From what is told in communications, the ' HITMEN' are very well financed with
    billion$ accounts and deep credit lines, very well connected with power centers (like central banks and
    sovereign wealth funds). They are very motivated to end the incredibly pervasive and perverse corruption, and
    are very motivated to undermine the important pillars to financial hegemony led by the US and UK. Given the
    nature of the initial chosen weapon, the bullion bank auditors, my conjecture is that the Bank For Intl
    Settlements, the lead global central bank, is giving the all important orders to conduct formal audits with a bite.

    In my late May article entitled " Hitmen Contracts to Bust COMEX" (CLICK HERE), a story was told with some attempt to describe the background for the Hitmen Who Cometh. The article generated quite a powerful response. Big changes come, global changes, in particular to the financial structures. The birth pangs might involve the pain of a COMEX bust. The Jackass wrote, " All Paradigm Shifts result in extreme disruption. That is the essence of Paradigm Shifts. The entire table changes, like its shape, its seats, its location, even who sits at the table, and in particular who sits at the head of the table. Big disruptions are to come from the COMEX pit of corruption, the central nexus for controlling illicitly the price structure for gold, the USDollar, and the USTreasury Bonds. The COMEX in all likelihood is the weakest link in the US-UK chain of corrupted financial markets. For many months my view has been that gold fights the political battles, while silver gathers more than its share of rewards and spoils. Gold has a long history of experience fighting grand battles. It can be placed in dungeons, but not for more than a couple decades. The rot in financial systems without golden foundations forces gold to the surface!"

    Some confirmation has come from the indefatigable Jim Sinclair, whose website blog is a rich source of
    information, analysis, and encouragement (CLICK HERE). He implies that the list of targeted bullion banks is one level above the second tier cited above. The major gold cartel banks in charge of corrupt price fixing in gold
    & silver price structures are JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America, Barclays, and HSBC. On June 10th, Sinclair wrote, " I have heard rumors for some time, but today it was confirmed to me, that the Canadian mint' s present problems are not unique and that other repositories (vaults) have had an army of auditors descend on them in the last two weeks. Some of these depositories have names so famous that it would scare the hell out of you. The repercussions would be drastic if they turn out to be troubled." Sounds like gold cartel banks.

    In past reports, the role of the Germans has been cited. They are the spearhead in my opinion for challenge to the corrupt US-UK gold system. They have demanded their gold assets to be returned from US custodial HAT TRICK LETTER - Gold & Currency Report Page 10 of 18 6/21/2009 accounts. They have counseled the Arabs in Dubai to demand their gold assets to be returned from London
    custodial accounts. Like the Germans, the Swiss want their 1000 tons of gold bullion returned from the United States, held in custodian accounts. Perhaps some vengeance here from the Swiss, whose private banking was assaulted by the bankrupt US bankers. Here is an email message from AshleyD in British Columbia, who saw a British Broadcast Corp news story a while back on a Caribbean cruise. He wrote, " This story was a snippet on the BBC/TV world news in late February. I saw it while on a cruise ship which carries BBC news on the television in the cabins. Not a word have I seen in print since that time. I brought it to Bill Murphy' s attention [at GATA] and he mentioned it briefly in his Midas column at the time. Also I emailed the BBC [in England] encouraging them to dig deeper into their story, but got no response. Sounds like the same custodial deal as the Germans are demanding from the USA. My guess is that it is a stand-off between the USA wanting more names of Americans with Swiss bank accounts, versus the Swiss wanting back their 1000 tons of bullion, which was no
    doubt part of a ' swap' deal."

    HSBC has apparently entered the auditor meat grinder. They are one of the six biggest gold cartel members, perhaps politically the weakest of the majors, and possibly selected to be ripped to shreds first. In a timely fashion, a subscriber FredD in England sent an email that said, " I am hearing unsettling rumors regarding HSBC precious metals in London being audited with mismatched results, as yet unconfirmed. I own silver in custody with HSBC New York and have contacted them to organize withdrawal and delivery elsewhere. I received an auto-reply from the guy I am usually talking to in HSBC. It stated that he will be away from the office from June 15th to Aug 31st… Unusual to say the least. There may be some legitimate reasons for someone to be away that long. However, it is of concern that he happens to the head of physical Precious Metal storage, during a time of stress." Maybe he has been reassigned to another continent, or made the handy scapegoat, or dismissed on permanent leave so as to delay the audit process.

    My inquiry was sent to my best and most reliable source in gold banking. The response was quick and crisp, highly encouraging to those who seek justice in the gold arena. It went, " The plug has already been pulled. The gold banker manipulations do not really matter at all. By the end of the day, they get crushed by the market forces. As I have told you. They are being taken down one by one. Your subscriber's observations at HSBC are correct."

    Bullion bank auditors have begun to descend upon medium banks, as well as some larger banks. Their management of gold bullion has been criminal and will gradually be exposed. The auditors have already found evidence that a great deal of gold is missing from several key banks. The news will slowly emerge. This all begs the question: WHO CALLS THE SHOTS, MAKES THE ORDERS, BRINGS IN AUDITORS ??? My best guess is the Bank For Intl Settlements in Basel Switzerland !! The BIS gave the orders last September for the Americans do force some liquidation of Wall Street firms, as well as important financial firms like Fannie Mae
    (mortgage giant, burdened by loss & fraud) and American Intl Group (insurance giant, burdened by credit derivatives). After the initial phase, the USGovt halted the liquidation process, claiming global systemic risk. Instead, a global US$ Swap Facility was put into place for major foreign central banks to tap. That was the US banker response to the marching orders. In the year that followed, no remedy, no systemic reform, no prosecutions, no reversal of criminal US$-Gold structures have taken place. So in my opinion, the BIS has ordered gold bank audits with teeth that cannot be sidestepped. From what is told to me by an extremely experienced, connected, reliable source, the order has been given to put the US-UK bankers out of the control position, using the US$-Gold weapon. That is my best viewpoint.
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