SMN 1.03% 49.0¢ structural monitoring systems plc

Important update from Drake. "must read", page-48

  1. 2,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 477
    Sabine, I am going to make this statement as clear as crystal.

    "I did not ask or required the board of SMS to engage in seeking advice to protect my interest from Drake"
    In other words, I do not require money to be wasted on lawyers to engage in tit for tat over an EGM that will take place as per announcement on 15/11/2022.

    If Mr McLarty & Mr Wright have personal grievance in the way Drake are handling their case, then it is only fitting that all money comes NOT from the company BUT from those two directors from their account.

    Just so we are all on the same page. There are only in support of our rights & freedoms in this country 3% of the population that sees the B/S. Im one of those 3%. My eyes are fully open. Now we have this legal matter that in my opinion is against ALL shareholders rights to make their own decisions as "ADULTS" in voting For or Against the resolution's.

    Its not rocket science! BUT if there is any truth to SMS wasting money on blatant pissing contests then both sides have completely lost it!

    It amazes me that the hierarchy in this country deem everyone stupid. I do not care who votes for or against, we live in a democracy with the right to vote, and that vote is the individuals decision. In this case you are voting for Drake guys or SMS guys. End of story. No bull dust - that's it.

    There is no add on. There is no BUT wait, we have more, if you vote for us we will give you a free Mac t-shirt that saids "Come In Spinner"
    There is none of that! There will be no special treats. So stop the waste of resources and get the vote done so we can all move on.

    And hopefully the business can save a little for integrity.


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