AUZ 4.35% 1.2¢ australian mines limited

I wouldn't stress to much about it folk's.  There will be a long...

  1. 12,928 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 15774
    I wouldn't stress to much about it folk's.  There will be a long form ' revised ' agreement ahead of the official funding consortium coming on board sometime in the second Qtr 2019 , and as mentioned in previous news releases.  They have allowed to September 2019 simply to give themselves the time to fine tune where  necessary and to dovetail in with NAIF .   Remembering this from May 2018 :-

    "The NAIF does need to make loans, it's got a clear objective in the act to help stimulate economic and population growth in Northern Australia and I can only do that by making investments like this one today," said Matt Canavan, the Federal Minister for Northern Australia.

    "The NAIF has said publicly that they're hopeful of projects of just under $500 million by mid this year, and maybe around a billion dollars by the end of this year.

    For SKI to then completely ' back flip ' on any agreement whatsoever would be unprecedented IMO and may in fact leave the door ajar for some other party to come in over the top of them.    I am confident with all the parties involved like NAIF and the Banking Consortium , that  they won't.  However it won't be .12 cents a share - that is a certainty IMO.

    If they did back flip - Imagine the potential damage it would do to their corporate credibility and intentions.   One might even be more cautious when presented with alternative future dealings with them from AUZ or any others for that matter.   Bottom line is these companies like SKI will certainly require what AUZ and other's have to offer ...and it still has to be retrieved from out of the ground.   This takes time - perhaps time they don't ultimately or  will not have if they don't proceed their negotiations with the highest level of Integrity and     

    Therefore I agree there will have to be some sort of statement at the earliest possible opportunity .....wink.png
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