FBR 4.55% 4.6¢ fbr ltd

Don’t think it’s the HX Twiggy talking about, because of the...

  1. 5,861 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1998
    Don’t think it’s the HX Twiggy talking about, because of the Wording “layer by layer” HX is block by block , council approvals , that wouldn’t be a problem as we have already met codes , Layer by layer printer would have to go through rigorous testing to achieve this in Australia , I’m pretty sure he’s talking about a concrete printer . Although there could just be a possibility that they’re talking to Twiggy now , if Management aren’t taking this opportunity to help their own and receive the best possible exposure world wide , build that display ( someone’s home ) in the fire ravaged towns ! that will get more coverage and exposure than any display built in the suburbs . From there they can continue to help restore people’s lives at a much faster pace then ever before . If they’re ready to build that display with Archistruct and Summit then they’re ready to build any home anywhere. 795353B4-9A9D-424C-A5D1-39242C881077.jpeg
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