RMS 0.43% $2.32 ramelius resources limited

Gee thanks Morph77 for your more recent post.I decided to reply...

  1. 5,851 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 711
    Gee thanks Morph77 for your more recent post.
    I decided to reply on this more appropriate subject heading rather than to give that 30 cent call any further viewing.

    Yes as you so rightly say, I did buy more at the $1.60'ish and have no regrets about it.
    When I see any of the RMS staff selling I will know it is time for some belated decision making...lol

    Almost everyone holding RMS probably had to pinch themselves on the resource estimate, as it fell far short of what most were expecting but that is not the fault of Ramelius and we all know that it is an interim resource.
    With gold price on the increase we shouldn't just simply concentrate only on Wattle Dam either.
    Can't remember how much lower grade gold Ramelius have at Black Cat but even that has to have value now.
    So many more results to come from W.D. including deep drilling and also Golden Orb etc.

    Good luck!

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