HAZ 0.00% 4.0¢ hazelwood resources ltd

Profinator As I understand it Proactive Investors take...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29

    As I understand it Proactive Investors take money/shares from ASX companies to do reports or stories on them as part of their standard business model...so if you see a Proactive Investors report or story best to always assume that the company had in some or other form paid for it.

    I take most of what they say with a grain of salt because of their conflicts of interests and also the quality just isn't there when compared to some of the more decent research houses. Even with a decent research report a good rule of thumb is to take their price target and divide it by half...

    That being said, I have also (as I'm sure many on this thread) seen reports that got it spot on or even under played it. If your read enough of them you can start assessing which are the quality ones and which are bottom shelf...which is where I would put Proactive Investors!

    Hoping to see a quarterly report next week so we can hear it from the horses mouth!

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