Macklin - to give her her due - is excellent at sending out HUGE...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Macklin - to give her her due - is excellent at sending out HUGE full color tri-paged letter box drop hugely expensive printed offerings to constituents - with 20 year old flattering photos of herself, taken with lots of little kiddies at some local school. (Does she get kiddies parents' permissions for these kiddy props - sugary pics - making her look "Motherly Teresa-ish?)

    She is also marvelous at shrieking her hate of all things Abbott into the Question Time microphones - someone forgot to advise her microphones and associated amplification WAS invented, some time ago. (And people reckon Gillard's voice is shrill??)-

    She's still, though, working hard to emulate, correctly, the 'de rigeur' Labor Party acolytes' rendition of the twisted faced Shorten assumes, to sneer, jeer. and defame . Some of her mates already have this down pat. Teacher's pets.
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