Mookie,I hear you.Strangely enough, I have been reading...

  1. 4,960 Posts.

    I hear you.

    Strangely enough, I have been reading Frankie's posts from the very first he posted. His posts intrigued me as his calls on FOREX (for example) aligned with mine, and I am interested in others who obviously know what they are doing in this game.

    Definately brash, and prolly doesn't need to get so excited about the money he is making.

    The major "problems" that I have with your comments are:

    You are baiting a trader who is currently successful. To me this is like getting upset at a proffessional gambler, a poker player for instance, who is able to make a living and a good one, playing what they see as a game in which they have an edge. A mug punter who is "lucky with cards" will often get upset when they come across someone who is skilled up in the game and takes their money with ease. If the professional tries to teach the mug punter, or warn them of the pitfalls of the game... my expectation would be the mug punter would get upset and either continue to throw their money at the professional gambler in an effort to prove them wrong, or try to deride the professional, trying to break them on a differnt level, desperate to apply some face saving measure so that at least they can say they are at the same level as the (now broken) professional.
    I suspect that you are better than that mug punter.

    I have not looked, but I am sure you have made some posts with happy content, earlier on in your time on HC, where you have backed a winner or many, and have wanted to share your hapiness. Only at the time though, everyone was a winner, and I am sure back-slapping and hi fives ensued all around. Now when there are more losers than winners, the winners are shot down and sniped at. That, in my opinion is unfair, and seeing you partake in it is dissappointing.

    Frankie is getting louder and louder the more that people call him names and try to rubbish him. Play the market you see, not the market you want to see... that is, if you want to shut Frankie up, may I suggest you are going about it the wrong way.

    The thing that really disappoints me though, is that you and many others throwing knives at the moment do not seem to comprehend that a small fish like Frankie does not have the amount of money required to move the markets, and for you and others to blame, for instance, the market crash on little guys who are currently successful in this game seems incredibly naive.

    I beleive right now Frankie is successful. I am convinced of that fact. I see him as a learning opportunity. I odn't understand why others would try to grind this opportunity into the dirt.

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