indo newspaper depicts our pm as a deviant, page-66

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    free will

    his is not funny - except to alleged traitors - ANY decent Aussie knows this is deeply unjust and skewed -

    MY relative, an original Anzac at Gallipoli - and back onto the Western Front 3 times, after being wounded THREE times - he wouldn't have thought this funny either - those boys had pride, ethics, principles, guts, and patrioticx loyalty to their country - and it's wellbeing - and fought for their country - AND their flag. A whole generation of our young men wiped out.

    Pity we have these milk sop leftists puny raggle taggle of so-called "en" left - who are delighted to see another country putting the boots into US unjustly - their street rabble burning the flag they fought for - throwing eggs at OUR embassy.

    Well, Indonesia - if your hatred of us runs so deep, REFUND the Billion John Howard gifted you, for tsunami recovery. Refuse our Aid sustenance -($600 million a year, isn't it?)
    Refund all of that too.

    If you hate us this much - making such a storm out of a tea-cup (as YOU, of course, spy too) - at least have the decency to stand on YOUR lofty principles - and refuse our "dirty" money! Go it alone!

    The biggest hypocrites of all, in this, are those running the ABC. It was THEY who set all this in motion, by repeating stolen secrets. There is not ONE non-Left Wing presenter on their whole payroll - bunch of Leftist traitors - more worried about us knowing how much they're leeching on the public purse, via their obscenely huge salaries, than worrying about this huge and dangerous damage they've now caused - and the keep fanning the flames - delighted to put their country and it's travelling citizens into risk - just for the sake of scoring a "kick in the guts" to the Abbott they all so hate!

    They didn't win the last election. And so they turn to undermining, hatred, and outright de-stablisation.

    That arch- Socialist Phillip Adams - one of the riches journalists i Australia. (Yes, there's big money in socialism. it's a thriving industry), as we now see!)

    Traitorous cowards, the lot of them. And other, too, doing it - outside the ABC!

    Who won the last election? Tony Abbott did. And so the Left, constantly yabbering on camera jaws dripping with hate and venom, poison pens at the ready, are doing their utmost to bring the winning party down. (What about the will of the people?) WHO? We're just disposable plebs. And they see themselves as the elite! As Socialist always do.

    These leeched don't care. As long as their little patches are rosy. Next they'll be burning our flag, too!

    "The Enemy Within" - has been there for ages. But never as clearly revealed, as now.

    The me, myself, and I socialists. ALL and only ever, out for themselves.
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