indonesia its people and my experience

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 653
    I am not too sure about posting this, but I hope this will give a little insight into our near north neighbours. Given all the coverage of Indonesia, it may be of interest to some.

    I like like to travel O/S a couple of times a year. This time I decided to take myself out of my comfort zone and literally plonk myself in a place where I know there would be few westerners. I booked a ticket to Jakarta and booked two night accommodation only. From there I had no plans. Just see what happened.

    I quickly realised that my prejudices were challenged. I was in Indonesia for 12 days. I did not speak to any westerners for the first seven. Not that I am a snob but there just weren't any to talk to!. Great for me. I spoke to dozens of Indonesians, mostly muslim. They were friendly, interested,polite and helpful. The women would always smile at me and often ask me were I was from. The men were equally friendly.

    I have a habit when in S.E.A. of going down to the motor bike taxi rank in the evening around 8 p.m. and buying the boys all a beer and having a chat. Great way of meeting the locals and getting a genuine insight. I know it may sound strange but every hotel has a motorbike rank outside and always the men are interested in having a beer and a chat. I would get out y Iphone and show them pictures of where I am from etc. Not once did the conversation turn to boat people, beef imports etc.

    I never felt threatened or unsafe. The Muslim people were fantastic and I must admit different from my general experince in Australia.

    I wont go into all the fun and great night out. I was travelling solo, but everynight I was out eating and drinking with locals and travellers from other asian countries.

    I spent a few nights out and about with a group of four Malaysians (muslims). I had a very insightful conversation about having multipile wives. I had the wrong idea.

    Anyway to cut to the chase. These are people just like us. No better and no worse. Just like us.

    I get annoyed in fact angry about all the crap we are fed by politicians and journalists. I am even more angry about the number of people who think this is manna.

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