misty,now misty,the results of rudd/Gillard/rudd era,are very...

  1. 6,543 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    misty,now misty,the results of rudd/Gillard/rudd era,are
    very well documented as being the worst gov.in oz history.
    mind you...there might be some more scary facts,to show their ugly head.just like the one that tony was left to deal with.
    yes its true,i have been less than complimentary towards
    those 3 pm's the clowns.
    as far as abbott goes..those 3 pm clown are not worthy of
    being in the same room with tony
    you damn well know the reason,for venomus attac's is.
    its giving back what the previous clowns have copped.
    they have deserved every bit they got.
    but privately misty,you really know how great tony is doing
    p.s has my spelling improved any??
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