Many Aussies think travelling overseas is just like going on...

  1. 84,003 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Many Aussies think travelling overseas is just like going on holiday to Tasmania.

    Often, they get a rapid and expensive education.

    Anyone with half a brain should so some cultural and legal research into ANY country they visit imo.

    However, to go traipsing off to another country with full intent on doing something that is very clearly illegal and without respecting not only the law of that country, but risking the penalty metered out ------------ well, sorry, someone like that just shouldn't be allowed out - or, they deserve everything that comes their way.

    My partner and I are long term - many years together, but, we are not married and never will be.

    So, guess what is our decision when Qantas decided to fly through the Middle East instead of going through Asia?

    Goodbye Qantas. Whilst I think the laws on hotel rooms with unmarried couples in some ME countries are backward in the extreme and even though the 'likelihood' of those laws being exercised may or may not be remote --------------------- why, in the name of god, would one take that route when one can fly quite happily over Asia with other carriers?

    Trouble is easy enough to get into anywhere - but, often, it is also easy enough to avoid.

    In the case of flying to Europe - you can go two ways -------------- just take the easy way. Simple.

    Similar to taking drugs into or out of Indonesia ------------- easy - don't do it.

    It really isn't that hard ------------ even someone requiring a carer could probably work it out.

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