bought some tomatoes in a pack, looked good, there were four of...

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    bought some tomatoes in a pack, looked good, there were four of them. Cost $5.38. Didn't think much about it when buying but got home and did the maths, and suddenly realised....


    if Woolies had a sign outside their shop which read: "We sell tomatoes for $1.34c each." no one would go in the shop.


    They have's called unit pricing!

    And the giveaway that you were going to pay through the nose was that it was in a pack...which I gather you mean a tray and wrapped.
    Always buy them loose or in a kilo pack...never in 'convenience' packs.

    And I refuse to pay for lemons or kiwi fruit on a per each basis. Them you're forever looking for the biggest one! Per kilo only.
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