insider's blind date - suggestions

  1. 6,669 Posts.
    Dear all,
    Well since it is a dull day...I thought Id write this and see if anyone here can assit with my dilemma.

    Recently I went on a blind date, kinda set up via mutual friends.

    I guess it has come to a point whereby Im sick of having to go to parties, dinners, coffee's etc with a different females all da time :(

    So on this instance, everything was going well... I thought, finally a female worth pursuing more. I drove her to a funky trendy cafe and we had something to eat and then since the weather was warm, we went down to the beach and went for a walk away from the crowd.

    Now...this is my dilemma.

    After sum gentle nudges and and innocent giggles, she made some advances on me. Not that I dont liek it...but the thing is, if anythign sexual were to occur on a first date (as what she was basically wanting), I tend to lose interest in the female in terms of a long term r/ship. Coz then I only see her as a 'good time' and nothing more

    Am I wrong for thinking this??


    Suggestions please :-)
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