Instability Rising: Why 2020 Will Be Different ... (Charles Hugh Smith), page-14

  1. 25,529 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Yes they obviously have, but you must consider that lot of "investors" should not be investors.

    They should have their money in the bank, as they are not capable or willing to do the work required to be an investor in anything, and it is these people that should stay well away from anything at this time

    Just think of the people who have followed the marketing program of the property industry and the governments assurances and hocked everything and mortgaged their life to buy three or four properties, so when a correction comes they will be living under the bridge

    IMHO there is money to be made regardless of which way the economy goes but you have to be quick on your feet and be aware of the requirements of the investment you are making

    EG residential property is better than commercial as in a tight market you can always rent a house but a factory or shop will stay empty regardless of how cheap the rent is.

    As to "Blue Chip shares" IMHO they are ALL overpriced by a minimum of 30% and have the same ability to disappear from the face of the earth as a penny stock, you only have to look at some of the recent Blue Chips for confirmation

    As to predictions, --- IMHO never in modern history have governments ignored prudent actions, laws or common sense to the degree that they are now, so how can anyone use any type of recognized analysis to "predict" anything
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