RIDGE:"LOL Belmore. Let me see now now, the attack was...

  1. 4,434 Posts.
    "LOL Belmore. Let me see now now, the attack was authorised by a muslim was it not in an attempt to defeat the forces of evil?
    Oh and by the way it looks like the corpse of that poor Care lady that is married to an Iraqi and has lived in Iraq for twenty years has been found - in Fallujah of course throat slit, limbs dismembered and you seek to take the side of these devil worshipers. Shame on you.
    By the way those that resort to abuse and name calling have lost their arguement so if it makes you feel better just carry on swearing and cursing."

    LOL???? You look at a catastrophe and you LOL? You're much sicker than I thought!
    Was it a muslim who asked for the destruction of a whole city, its citizens trapped in there? Oh, well that makes it OK, huh? Did you ask him if he was a muslim? And of what denomination might he have been considering he was dumped there by the sepps? He's not a muslim you fukwit, he's Bush's little choir boy! (Bush is Sharon's little altar boy if you didn't know)
    See? Swearing doesn't affect the result of the argument at all! You're a sinister bastard, a halfwit, probably a born-again half-wit, an extreme racist and an intollerant boot wearing nazi!
    Go pull yipy yak's fly down and see if you can find anything to play with in there because we have nothing for you to play with here!
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