intelligent design for dummies, page-22

  1. 4,271 Posts.
    snuf: "Anyway, my point is that the athiests who reject a role for God in all this have to be able to offer an explanation. Theists have theirs."
    No, mate, it's a non-sequitor.
    a) I don't know if "theists" offer a correct explanation.
    b) what a "theist" is
    c) atheists don't have to be able to offer an explanation. I, for example, don't know if the biological explanation you're offering is nothing more than an explanation of how cells behave and nothing more; nor do I know what construct your "theos" (god) has; and, finally, just because I reject the existence of a (or many) god(s) it doesn't mean I can offer another explanation. This is just like any other question, the answer of which my little mind does not possess.
    But I do know a whole lot of other things! :)
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