Hanhere's a classic example of what i'm alluding to. this poster...

  1. 1,992 Posts.

    here's a classic example of what i'm alluding to. this poster is a serial one liner. he has nothing to add, so we are constantly bombarded with his lack of wit.

    now Han i can sink to his low level and retort with.

    Your intelect doesn't allow you to see science, you'd only trip over it. so stick to the one liners.

    but instead i don't respond, and unless he contributes a valid response, i ignore him, thus showing him his behaviour will not be tollerated. if he happens to create a valid post. reward him. in time you will have succeeded in training him. and his contributions on the forum will actually be worth reading.

    try it Han, you will be amazed at the results.

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