interest rates on hold and going down-whoops

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    remember the bears just a few months ago, spruiking that rates were going to 10%, and house prices dropping...and all the other hilarious scenarious they predict...
    everyday, they have a friend of a friend who has looked at a house , that is marked down cheapr...
    but they still wont buy a house themselves....
    or they are looking at million dollar houses....
    as if...a fhb can afford one...
    or if they were renting a million dollar house, it would cots them around $50,000 pa to rent it....

    I guess if they follow the lame stream media...who also have no idea about wonder they keep getting it wrong...
    and the media campaign ...about house prices...even get up got into the act...but did not get enuff follows...

    a young family memebr, 24, rocked up today, told me he is buying a house in the next few months...he works in the mines in WA brings home $2500 each week...
    he likes Mandurah, Karruther, his home town on the east coast...he has a choice, he would like a big brand new one...or I suggested he could buy an oldie in the centre of town...and renovate...
    I suggested he start small, with baby steps, he has plenty of time to experience the joys of home ownership...
    so he thinks he will go with a reno job....for him to live in and enjoy...not as an investment at this stage...
    He did not ask my advice...but I gave it anyway...he had made up his mind...
    his eyes popped a bit after I gave him some of my examples...of how easy it is to make money...

    ie, do the opposite to what the sheep are telling you to do... or the paid financial advisors...
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