"Over all it is another nail in the shady dealings of an already...

  1. 36,517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Over all it is another nail in the shady dealings of an already politically unstable organisation."


    The UN Human Rights Council is NOT the whole of the UN, it is just another body within the UN systems, and it is toothless to do anything.

    The US proposed withdrawal from the Human Rights Council is not because of the Council's "shady dealings" but the US is against the Council's resolutions against Israel.

    You keep posting as if the Human Rights Council is the whole of the UN. It is not.

    In my opinion, the US will never withdraw from the UN as it will have too much to lose in influence if it did.

    The US is one of the 5 Permanent Member of the UN Security Council which does have the power to sanction countries, and as a permanent member the US has veto power over any Security Council resolutions it does not like.
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