airport security perhaps, has been the problem??, page-2

  1. 9,592 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    What a joke they sack this bloke because he knows criminals, well hello how do they thinks coppers and ex coppers get their information ?

    Conwell has never been charged with anything and actually resigned from the police force rather than put his family through a lengthy court battle.

    Its a shame the paper didnt even recognize some the good he has done for the community. A little example was the time he caught Neddy Smith trying to rob Botany Council, or the pressure the family was under when two hit when were sent up from Melbourne to kill his father also an ex copper.

    I could go on forever but QANTAS really has got it wrong on this one and if they are sacking staff for knowing criminals or being part of previous investigations there must be a lot of nervous employees out there. I personally know quiet a few and i can feel a class action comming !!
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