International Condemnation .., page-1778

  1. RM
    7,446 Posts.
    Rooster7 you need to differentiate between two things,

    firstly this thread is Mr Gordon's Jehovah Witness piece that highlights persecution of his members that occur around the world.

    The book he quotes is the New World Translation which is a cultic work whose primary goal is to hide the deity of Jesus, so it is riddled with errors and mistranslated passages.

    Now that aside your question regarding contradictions in the bible, there have been some of the most brilliant minds in the past 2000 years who have been Christians and have not found a true contradiction in the bible.

    So that is an interesting starting point, there are certainly difficult passages and I recall I think on this forum may have been close to 20 years ago a fad on the internet with atheists was websites that had the top 100 contradictions of the bible.

    As I recall several of us went through about the first half dozen of so called contradictions and they were just full of logical fallacies we soon lost interest but there is value when you come across a passage that makes you delve deeper, and certainly understanding what a true contradiction is important.

    As for the issue between Mark and John there is not a contradiction but I will give you a tour guide of Jesus travel and you can read the scriptures for yourself.

    Jesus was baptized by John, was tempted by Satan for 40 days then returned and left for Galilee, Capernaum, Jersualem, Judea and Samaria.
    We know that John was not imprisoned while Jesus was in Judea he then returned to Galilee. John was imprisoned a time after Jesus was in Judea and when Jesus was informed of the imprisonment he was not in Galilee it was when he returned to Galilee he had his re-encounter with Andrew and Peter.

    If you work through such 'contradictions' you will find they are not what they are made out to be, like I said prior food for thought some of the greatest minds in history where Christians and no fatal contradiction seemed to slip them by.

    Regards RM

    They are a magnificent creature are they not to look at your avatar.


    Last edited by RM: 08/02/22
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