International Condemnation .., page-2512

  1. RM
    7,468 Posts.
    World war combatants were displaying hatred for one another, not love.

    Hitler was fascinated by the occult and Egyptology which was shared by the Jehovah Witnesses and their founder Charles Taze Russel.

    Did not Rutherford send this Antichrist Hitler a love letter supporting his attitude towards Jews in an attempt to get preferential treatment, which ultimately backfired for the society.

    But it did fit nicely into the anti Semitic beliefs of the Watchtower.

    "Be it known once and for all that those profiteering, conscienceless, selfish men who call themselves Jews, and who control the greater portion of the finances of the world and the business of the world, will never be the rulers in this new earth. God would not risk such selfish men with such an important position" The Golden Age 1927 Feb 23 p.343

    "The Jews were evicted from Palestine and ‘their house left unto them desolate’ because they rejected Christ Jesus, the beloved and anointed King of Jehovah. To this day the Jews have not repented of this wrongful act committed by their forefathers. … In 1917 the Balfour Declaration, sponsored by the heathen governments of Satan's organisation, came forth, recognised the Jews, and bestowed upon them great favours. ... The Jews have received more attention at their hands than they really deserved." Vindication - Book II (1932) pp.257-258

    Wave the Palestinian flag over the Watchtower nothing has changed with the Jehovah Witnesses still taking the Pharisees position.

    32 But Jesus responded, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone Me?” 33“ We are not stoning You for any good work,” said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.”

    Hitler one of the great Antichrists of modern history and the Jehovah Witnesses agreed with his principles of the third Reich to curry favour for the organisation while young men sacrificed their lives to storm beaches facing machine gun nests dying in their thousands to end this Antichrists reign of terror.

    "Dear Reichskanzler,…
    The Brooklyn headquarter of the Watchtower Society is pro German in an exemplary way and has been so for many years. For that reason, in 1918, the president of the Society and seven members of the board of directors were sentenced to 80 years in prison, because the president refused to use two of the magazines published in America under his direction for war propaganda against Germany. These two magazines, "The Watchtower" and "Bible Student" were the only magazines in America which refused to engage in anti-German propaganda and for that reason were prohibited and suppressed in America during the war.In the very same manner, in course of the recent months the board of directors of our Society not only refused to engage in propaganda against Germany, but has even taken a position against it. The enclosed declaration underlines this fact and emphasizes that the people leading in such propaganda (Jewish businessmen and Catholics) also are the most rigorous persecutors of the work of our Society and its board of directors. This and other statements of the declaration are meant to repudiate the slanderous accusation, that Bible Researchers are supported by the Jews.The conference of five thousand delegates also noted - as is expressed in the declaration - that the Bible Researchers of Germany are fighting for the very same high ethical goals and ideals which also the national government of the German Reich proclaimed respecting the relationship of humans to God, namely: honesty of the created being towards its creator.The conference came to the conclusion that there are no contradictions when it comes to the relationship between the Bible Researchers of Germany to the national government of the German Reich. To the contrary, referring to the purely religious and unpolitical goals and efforts of the Bible Researchers, it can be said that these are in full agreement with the identical goals of the national government of the German Reich....We are looking forward to your kind approval, which we hope to receive soon, and want to assure our highest respect to you, honorable Mr. Reichskanzler.
    Yours faithfully,Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Magdeburg"

    MrGordon how could the sole channel of Jehovah on earth be so clueless?


    Last edited by RM: 15/02/24
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