Waffle, common sense has its place in protecting ourselves, but...

  1. 11,971 Posts.
    Waffle, common sense has its place in protecting ourselves, but it is very limited in what it can achieve. On the other hand, there are no such limitations to what Jehovah can do. Jehovah will never allow his loyal servants to be effaced from the earth. He will reward integrity keepers with everlasting life in his righteous new world. Any that die as integrity keepers are assured of a resurrection. For those who die, there is no safer place to be than in God’s memory.
    (John 5:28, 29) Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.
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