I don't want to start WWIII, but the Rudd government's proposal...

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9

    I don't want to start WWIII, but the Rudd government's proposal to enforce ISP's to filter out porn is logically preposterous.... it just won't work....

    in no area of public concern has any government shown any knowledge of the internet - think of the people who have so far been responsible for overseeing such things... Alston, a technology illiterate, Coonan another technology illiterate, now we have Conroy who has not the faintest idea of how such an enforced filtering system could ever work....

    don't they realise that short of effectively closing down the net, that anyone who wants to circumvent such filters can do so easily.... the avenues are too numerous to list....

    as for dealing with children being exposed to porn - a noble end - there is no substitute for parental guidance and monitoring. Children are exposed to all sorts of dangers once they are in any public arena, but we don't chain them to their bed to prevent them moving anywhere, we supervise their activites....

    another loony policy brought to you by Harry Potter from the Lodge.....

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