internet porn sites legislation...., page-2

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    meerkat, I find their efforts, at leats, noble. Their heart is in the right place and though they don't have the experience or knowl;edge just yet, I suggest that with time, they'll acquire it. Never stop anyone from trying to do the right thing.

    as for "dealing with children being exposed to porn - a noble end - there is no substitute for parental guidance and monitoring."
    That's the very rub, isn't it? There are children with no parents, or with parents in severe dysfunctional situations, parents who are parents in name only. Those children are susceptible to the corruption and exploitation of these porn mongers. And just because they are already "exposed to all sorts of dangers once they're in any public arena..." that doesn't mean that we ought to stop protecting them, or that the govn't cannot help the parents in their efforts to do so.
    Porn is utter garbage that demeans everyone who's touched by it. I'd have it banned or severely restricted -if I could.
    Try teaching a class of Year 7s or 12s for that matter, who have just entered your class in period 1, after they'd spent an hour watching their parents' porn tapes or free downloads. You'll see before you a different species altogether.
    On this issue, I'd rather help. if I can, the govn't than denigrate and laugh at its failed attempts.
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