copied from Feedback forum........Should we have a forum titled...

  1. 2,092 Posts.
    copied from Feedback forum........
    Should we have a forum titled "Internet Security "so people can post about internet security ?

    Internet security is important for many reasons.
    The main one being, most of us use the Internet for banking, purchasing products, and business. This means that we are putting our credit card numbers, names, telephone numbers and other personal, sensitive information on the Internet.

    Without Internet security, this information is open for hackers to access, view, and steal. Even if you never put personal information on the Internet, without security you are still prone to viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, malware , ransomware ....etc.
    This subject came up at Christmas dinner yesterday, with facebook, internet buying and of course banking..back in 2009 the NSW police were reported in ITNEWS with the recomendation you don't use Windows but instead something like Puppy Linux.

    full article here

    Arm yourself with a USB stick..

    You can download Puppy from this site.....

    4th from the bottom (non pae)

    remember where you saved it to...

    Download Rufus.
    follow it's will create a bootable O\S

    When booting your computer, F8 should give you the option to boot from the USB stick.

    Happy Christmas

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