Not true. What are Trump's 'crimes' ??The thing about him...

  1. 294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    Not true. What are Trump's 'crimes' ??
    The thing about him overstating value of his assets to the banks and understating to....whoever else ??
    At the end, Deutsche Bank got all their money back on time with no problems whatsoever - one of their higher-ups said the bank was very happy with Trump as client. So, there was no crime committed as far as I see.

    The thing with that porn star ?
    Again, not much of a crime, is it ?
    It's not like he killed or raped somebody?
    Did Biden rape, cause I've heard some stories floating around?
    Of course not now - about 100 years ago when he was young.

    In my book, a true crime is when somebody commits a murder, huge fraud on some retirees, plotting an assassination, SELLING OUT America to some very friendly nation in the Middle East and so on.

    How is Biden gonna do his job ?
    This guy is barely walking now, loses the plot, mixes up foreing leaders in his speeches, very confused, some say he even $hit himself a few days ago in France - don't know how much truth in it, though.
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