Watched some news footage of an Aboriginal protest in Brisbane...

  1. 10,270 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 214
    Watched some news footage of an Aboriginal protest in Brisbane on Australia Day or invasion day as they call it. I was somewhat ashamed because the reporter at the end showed some footage of some kids running, and said " here's the next generation hoping to leave Australia Day behind!" One of the elders was quoted swearing at police, and someone else calling someone else a c something something t because they're wearing a mask. The Elder got up to the microphone and said that she did not need white men's medicine.... well if she wants to be really really traditional she doesn't want white men's housing, food, electricity or clothing etcetera etcetera. Raving on about Land rights too...I thought we had the Mabo judgements working through the courts!

    I mean the lefties go crook about News Corp and some of the Conservative journalists it has, but gee they are outnumbered and in a huge way. We know that ABC, Channel 9 and 10 are full of lefties but even 7 is. Even within News Corp the lefties and wokies would outweigh the conservators by at least 60 to 40. Even all the sports journalist and of course the Arts and lifestyle ( weekend magazine etc) journalists are generally lefties!
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