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invensense: mems sensors have evolved, page-4

  1. 6,165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2346
    Thanks Quanda, i read yr posts too.

    Post #: 10107944

    Everything I said was from ASX annoucements.

    Plus additional research.

    Cisco is the leader the Internet of Things revolution and they had a very big conference with all the big tech titans just recently in US. I cant remember the expo name. If someone can elude.

    IoT is not something I made up and it is not warm and fuzzy. Its real.

    I raised IoT before then today PSY announced this.

    If you are unsure just google, MEMS, PHOTONICS and Internet of Things. Then you will see the market potential and the size of the market that I am talking about. Multi-Trillion is real.

    IoT requires MEMS and micro/nanomachines to make it happen.

    But of course its early days for PSY.

    Step by step.

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