what a joke, one of the biggest developers in Aus...they were...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    what a joke, one of the biggest developers in Aus...they were only allowed to build the same number of housing as was the case 25 years ago....
    vent your anger at your local council...if you really want cheaper housing....

    Relax rules to provide new homes
    Harry Triguboff From: The Australian January 07, 2010 12:00AM
    extract only
    From my perspective as one who has tried to provide affordable and appropriate housing for the better part of half a century, I have to say things have never been harder. Last year we managed to build about 1000 apartments in Sydney and southeast Queensland, which is about the same number as we built 25 years ago in Sydney alone. We would have built five times as many if we could have got approvals, but the approval process across Australia is now completely broken. In order to produce enough dwellings, and for them to be affordable and appropriate, three things must happen:

    First, more dwellings must be built in established areas where resources are already in place to support populations. This will require rezonings. In Sydney, in particular, we cannot afford, economically or environmentally, to continue to build houses further and further out on the fringe.

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