AJX 0.00% 1.3¢ alexium international group limited

Thanks Frank. Good to have you back. As you can see interesting...

  1. 900 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 144
    Thanks Frank. Good to have you back. As you can see interesting times we are in. Yes very good pickup by Cracker and rab. Makes for a very interesting read. As you read the Company is progressing well! the SP on the other hand is another story ,anyway it gave a few of us an opportunity to pickup some more.. Hope you have a great day.
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Mkt cap ! $20.49M
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1.3¢ 1.3¢ 1.3¢ $628 48.32K

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1 45593 1.3¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
1.4¢ 10000 1
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Last trade - 14.39pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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