Invitation from Adam Bandt

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    Just received this invite from Adam Bandt. I think he sent it to the wrong person.


    Dear Daicosisgod,
    How was your 2020? Did you buy a new jet? Go on holidays overseas?
    Or was it more homeschooling, zoom meetings, doom scrolling your savings account?
    Well while your year was tough, billionaires in Australia did better than billionaires anywhere else in the world.
    The billionaires made out like bandits.

    For example, during the pandemic, billionaire Kerry Stokes made over $570 million. His companies took millions in corporate welfare like JobKeeper, and cut workers’ wages. Meanwhile, Stokes bought a new jet.
    At the same time millions of people lost their jobs. More women lost jobs than men, and did more unpaid work. A third of young people went jobless.
    Before the pandemic, billionaires and big corporations had too much power. Now, this special treatment is out of control.
    To turn around this growing inequality, and the climate crisis, we have to fight for our future.

    We have a plan to Fight for the Future and we need you to read it and share it with your friends and family if you want to see it become a reality.
    We will launch this plan today, in the seat of Griffith, right in the heart of our growing Green wave in Brisbane.
    It’s one of the places we can win to secure the balance of power in the Lower House.

    Because the next election could be a lot closer than you think.
    If just 828 people changed their vote from the last election, the Greens would be in the balance of power in the Lower House.
    In balance of power, we can push the next government to go further and faster on climate change, and tackle inequality by making the billionaires and big corporations pay.

    This is our plan. It includes:
    • A treaty with First Nations people
    • A billionaire's tax and a corporate super profit tax
    • A Jobs and Income guarantee
    • Bringing dental and mental health into Medicare
    • Restoring fee free education to public schools, universities and TAFE
    • A goal of 700% renewable energy, creating a jobs bonanza in renewables exports
    Our plan invests in planet-saving, nation building projects. It gives everyone a job. Free education. Access to mental and dental health.
    It's entirely achievable. When the billionaires and big corporations contribute their fair share, we will all have a better life.
    Change is closer than you think. And I won’t stop until we make it a reality. Are you with me?
    Yours in the fight for the future,

    Adam Bandt

    P.S. If you would like to hear more about the new plan, and ask me questions about it, click here now to reserve your spot to an online event with Nick McKim and I, at 8PM AEDT tonight. Not on Facebook? We'll also be live on YouTube!
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