IPCC energy budget logic and then the real World

  1. 15,445 Posts.
    As I posted on another thread.

    I find it so ironic that Alarmist who are mocking the peeps who believe the Earth is flat do not realise that the CORNERSTONE of the settled GHG back radiation science is based upon a flat earth.

    This is really hilarious.

    The IPCC clearly are TELLING us that the SUN cannot create weather.  And that is just dumb!

    I can assure that the IPCC and CMIP climate models start off assuming this as THE base.

    It is the cornerstone of the models. Here in black and White. (and colour)

    So looking at the IPCC Trenberth chart above they say the average SOLAR contribution to the whole surface of the earth on average receives a  HUGE 161 W/M2.  Yes that is -40'Celsius.

    -40'C is not going to create a "tropospheric weather system where it establishes temperature differentials to drive convective systems and evaporates large quantities of water to provide for interesting instabilities within these convective systems."

    Meanwhile where I live the shortwave solar contribution (not back radiation) is more than ample to drive tropospheric weather system where it establishes temperature differentials to drive convective systems and evaporates large quantities of water to provide for interesting instabilities within these convective systems."

    I dont see anything that remotely resembles 161W/M2


    The analogy of roasting a chook at 180'C for 1 hour is perfect.  Conventional fan forced oven.  Lets pick any number to represent the duty cycle of the Oven.   I would assume a 70% duty cycle of the 2.4KW element over that 1 hour.  So 1.68 KwH to provide the heat transfer that resulted in this succulent piece below.

    However if you use the junk method of the IPCC  we must average out the cooking time that gave us that beautiful roast above out over 24 hours.
    So now we  are going to cook our chicken that will still receive 1.68KWH of energy but this time it is over the 24 hour period.

    What do you think the chook will come out looking like after 24 hours.

    Yep you are right.  This is it.

    And thus it is here that I WOULD AGREE with the IPCC we would need to introduce some form of BACK radiation to cook the raw chook above to get it looking like how in the real world a Roast Chook would like after receiving 1.68KWH of energy over the 1 hour and without the need for back radiation.

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