ipcc scientist declares global warming a hoax , page-57

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    BillyBongo says:

    "Check out Kevie's big plans for clean coal too,
    although it won't help with your Howard bias."

    I don't care if Pope Gregory and Kylie Minoque
    think 'clean' coal is a good idea, I've just
    got home after an annual dinner at which
    some CSIRO scientists were relaxing
    before a dinner began at which the
    guest speaker would be a world
    expert in his field.

    Just as part of the polite ice-breaking
    chit-chat that precceds these
    kind of events,I asked the
    Society's secretary (an
    American chap who
    worked at CSIRO)
    what he thought
    abot 'clean' coal.

    Boy Oh Boy! Did I get a big payout!

    He really gave it to me - up hill and
    down dale - about what a crime
    against the English language it
    was to use the word 'clean' in
    regards to coal and how supine
    Australian journalists were in
    blindly copying such a nonsense
    term as if it had some scientific
    validity - swallowing hook,
    line and sinker a cute phrase
    who's only purpose was to
    draw people away from truth
    and into the jaws of a PR
    coup for carbon salesmen!

    If Kevin07 has also swallowed the
    sales pitch that Global Warming
    via a 'clean' CO2 source ain't
    Global Warming at all,
    the more fool him!

    But Howard is more culpible as
    he swallowed the bait as our
    Prime Minister with the power
    to convert nonsense into
    federal policy and action
    (or inaction) in regards
    to reducng CO2 output!

    More on Dirty, Rotten, Filthy,
    Clean Coal tomorrow!
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